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Dailymotion Now Streaming Live 新闻 from Al Jazeera, BBC, and 彭博

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[Editor's Note: This article and video first appeared on 甜菜.TV, and we republish it here with kind permission.]

Paris-based Dailymotion, the world's second biggest online video site, has integrated with London-based live news portal Livestation to provide a number of live streaming television news networks including Al Jezeera, 彭博, 英国广播公司(BBC), France 24 and sources from other nations as well as from organizations including the United Nations and NASA.

Livestation 上线 on Dailymotion on Friday (January 28.)

Over the past 28 days, the site streamed about 17 million video views through the Web and via its desktop application. We would expect that the integration with Dailymotion will greatly expand these numbers.

Last March in London, we spoke with Livestation CEO Matteo Burlucchi about the company and business model. He explains who his company shares revenue with news organizations streaming from the site.

Many of the broadcasters restrict online streaming to certain countries. So, 例如, although BBC World 新闻 is available via Livestream's Dailymotion page, it will not be viewable in the United States.

Last week, France Telecom 宣布 it would acquire 49 percent of Dailymotion.

We 最近报道 on the efforts of 彭博 新闻 around live streaming.  The topic of livestreaming of linear news programming will be a topic discussed at the 甜菜.TV 在线视频新闻 Summit taking place at the Washington Post on Tuesday.

更新:  A few minutes ago the integration was confirmed by Dailymotion's vice president for international Luc Dumont 在推特上.  这是 我们的采访 with Dumont taped in Paris this past September.

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