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Haivision Talks Akamai Partnership, Varieties of Live Encoding

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今年在纽约举行的流媒体东部大会上,最活跃的公司之一是 Haivision, which was showing its Video Content Management System product line, Video Cloud solution (introduced at NAB), and Viper encoding appliance. During the show, Chance Mason, 海视网络媒体执行副总裁接受了红毯采访. 他谈到了海视与Akamai在现场活动方面的紧密合作.

"We work very closely with Akamai," Mason said. "A lot of our encoders that are deployed, over 20,在该领域,000名主要专注于现场活动和现场内容的创建. 所以我们需要一个CDN,它理解直播内容的价值和直播内容的重要性,直播内容在世界各地都有入口点,我们可以快速地让我们的客户通过可靠的CDN在防火墙外广播他们的内容. So we have a great relationship with Akamai."

直播视频在2013年是一个巨大的市场,海视已经做好了充分利用这一优势的准备. Mason spoke about Haivision's live encoding options.

"We were first to market with a live transcoder," Mason noted. "We have three flavors of the live transcoder: One, pay-as-you-go; two, managed services where Haivision will actually deploy the transcoders for you and manage them on your behalf; and three, 实际上授权软件并在您自己的环境中运行, 哪一点对远程传输或任何聚合内容或将内容带到中心位置的组织非常有吸引力."



Tim: 欢迎回到百家乐软件app最新版下载流媒体2013红毯采访. We’ve got a great representative here from Haivision. 我想让Chance介绍一下他自己然后我们开始讲Haivision在做什么.

Chance: So my name is Chance Mason. I’m the executive vice president of internet media for Haivision. 我在这个行业工作了12年后加入了海视,以扩大我们在海视的产品生态系统.

Tim: So what is Haivision doing these days?

Chance: Yeah. Haivision has been around almost 10 years and has over 20,000 encoders installed in the field managing low latency, high quality video distribution for enterprises, house of worship, medical institutions, etc.

Tim: Okay. 你们最近推出了新版本的Makito产品线, if I remember correctly, the X2.

Chance: 是的,X2基本上允许我们以一半的带宽提供两倍的密度. And so again it just continues to progress our codec.

Tim: You mentioned several market verticals, houses of worship, medical and like that, 医疗设备的核心产品线是什么?

Chance: 所以医疗机构利用我们的编码器进行分发. So to give you an example of a medical, there may be surgery, 一个想要获取内容并在防火墙内广播的手术室, 以及防火墙外的个人观看的内容. So they’ll leverage our encoders for that.

Tim: Okay, very good. 我听到的其中一件事是与Akamai的合作伙伴关系或解决方案联盟. Can you talk a little bit about that.

Chance: Yeah, we work very closely with Akamai. A lot of our encoders that are deployed, over 20,在该领域,000名主要专注于现场活动和现场内容的创建. 所以我们需要CDN了解直播内容的价值和直播内容的重要性,直播内容在世界各地都有入口点,我们可以通过可靠的CDN快速让我们的客户在防火墙外播放他们的内容. So we have a great relationship with Akamai.

Tim: 因此,Akamai的存在点可以在这些点上进行摄取,同时也可以加载到核心网络上.

Chance: Exactly.

Tim: Okay. 你在流媒体东的展场里要展示什么?

Chance: Well, we’re showing a broad range of our product lines, so we’re showing our Haivsion Video Cloud solution, which we rolled out at NAB this year. 实质上是把海视从防火墙公司后面带到了防火墙公司外面. So we’re showing the product line of our VCMS, which is our Video Content Management System, many times categorized as an OVP. We’re showing our site builder, 哪一个内容管理系统可以让人们轻松地部署富媒体视频门户. 然后我们也展示了我们的Viper,这是我们最流行的编码技术之一.

Tim: And if I remember correctly, the Viper is the one that has the multiple inputs, but also has some of the video furnace software.

Chance: It does. 它基本上是我们为不同的编码器开发的最好的品种,我们在这个领域把它放在一个单一的法规中, so it has video furnace. It has the Makito, etc, all in one box. So it’s definitely a very valuable encoder for the field.

Tim: Interesting. 所以你提到趋势编码是你谈论的事情之一. Tell me a little bit about that. Are you hardware based transcoder or software based transcoder.

Chance: Yeah, we’re a software based transcoder. So a year ago we launched what we called HyperStream Live, 也就是说,我们进入市场有点早. 所以我们推出了现收现付的解决方案,让人们可以测试这个解决方案. 我们使用了与Kulabyte一起开发的核心技术的核心基础,并将其作为转码的软件解决方案推出. Again, we were first to market with a live transcoder. We have three flavors of the live transcoder: One, pay-as-you-go; two, managed services where Haivision will actually deploy the transcoders for you and manage them on your behalf; and three, 实际上授权软件并在您自己的环境中运行, 哪一点对远程传输或任何聚合内容或将内容带到中心位置的组织非常有吸引力.

Tim: Interesting. 还有什么你想让观众知道的吗?

Chance: Yeah. 我认为海视被认为是一家防火墙后的编码公司. I think if you have the opportunity visit www.haivision.com. 看看海视视频云以及我们最近部署的实时转码解决方案, which we were first to market with. 它经过了一年多的测试,市场上一些最大的品牌利用了我们的实时转码引擎. And then also take a look at our VCMS, which allows you to ingest your assets, file based transcoding, asset management, but a very flexible workflow associated with it as well. 它不是一个典型的OVP,它是一个非常教程的一,二,三,四步. 它实际上使您能够在VCMS中创建企业工作流.

Tim: Nice. Chance thank you for being with us today. Those of you who are watching this on Streaming Media.com, you’ll actually find a brief write up of the interview as well.

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