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约翰·帕特塞利: 当然,这是历史上一个非常独特的时期. 和 the big thing that we've noticed is almost a global user behavior adoption of live video in some way. If you're a grandparent, you've done a Zoom session with your family. 如果你是个孩子,你一定学过远程教育. I think everybody's gone to a virtual conference like we're doing right now. 和 almost everyone has watched a concert on a platform like Instagram, like the Verzuz battles. This is a global situation, and as a result, consumption is off the charts. You could look at this through the lens of the live music business, which is a $25 billion industry that's been on hold for 14 or 15 months. 和 you've seen these artists performing at the beginning of the pandemic in their bedroom or their living room, 这一切都是, “我们都在一起.六个月后, you started to see concerts 然后 pay-per-view concerts 然后 these kind of rich experiences.

That's also been true of product launches, experiential events that become virtual with brands. 我们和"喷气机"肯尼·史密斯合作. 《百家乐app下载》的一位主持人走过来对我们说, “嘿, kids in the summer usually go to basketball camp and they can't do that anywhere in the world. I want to build a virtual academy where I will bring in NBA and WNBA superstars and teach the game in real time." The interesting thing is a lot of people have gotten very, 很有创意, and I think the social platforms have all kind of doubled down on live streaming. Instagram has lifted the one-hour cap for live video to four hours for verified accounts. 所以这是一种广泛的整体采用. 当然你也有内容创造者 ... We've done a lot of things with celebrities that are stuck in the Hollywood Hills and have really poor internet connectivity, 达伦指出, 你需要解出这些东西, 无论是套件还是连接性, you want that content to be available to the viewer in the best possible way that it can. The word hybrid is being thrown around a lot as we return to in-person experiences. 我认为这将继续加速. 你现在可以放大你在房间里做的任何事情. 观众现在知道如何打开播放器了, 如何消费, how to ask a question virtually or participate in a chat. 流行后, 这将是一个重要的趋势, and you'll see monetization models with pay-per-view and brands powering and bringing these experiences out to a much more larger, 更投入的观众.

Dom Robinson: 完美的. 亚当,在你的空间里,你见过类似的变化吗? 你在现场活动中看到有趣的转折了吗?

亚当·保罗: 绝对. 这是一场灾难. In 2019, we did the Red Hot Chili Peppers at the Great Pyramids, live from the middle of the desert. 和 we're capturing this moment in time with people and sweat and that whole thing. 说到这里, our key was just to capture the moment and the experience and feed it to someone live live, 尽可能地充满活力. 和, 你知道, 我们去, 我们在3月10日拍了《兄弟50, 然后是311 30周年纪念, 3月11日, 12th, 和13日, 然后世界末日了. 第二天早上我们醒了, 我早就料到了, 我说, “所以这真的会改变一些事情. One, Bob that sold burritos in the parking lot of the venue now has a streaming service. 两个, 我们真正想做的是坐下来休息, 放松, 想办法把它呈现给观众, um, 以一种迷人的方式, um, 引人入胜的, uh, 有创意的, uh, 一些他们不会喜欢的东西, “哦,人, 我在这上面花了钱,但不值得.'" We really wanted to figure out a way to give them a show. 和 I think the biggest thing that we've done from that was staying on the band's brand, 然后, 然后发现, 我们如何讲述一个故事, and not try to put the band on in a studio to just do the same thing. 这真的是与创意和乐队合作. We've done Weezer at the Disney Center with LA Philharmonic, 我们在牛油果农场做了《罗马崇高. We worked with Jimmy Buffett on the back of his boat, playing songs, just acoustic. We've done Tiesto Live at Red Rocks with nobody there, Sarah Barielles at Hollywood Bowl. 和 it's all been about ways that you can take what the artist has, 粉丝喜欢什么, and package it for the audience and the fan in the right way. 因为我觉得他们很挑剔. The Avett Brothers for New Year's was our most successful event, 只是金钱和门票销售. 和 it was really kind of a variety show that we put together. It was very unique and Scott and I worked together on it, 但我也要告诉你, 我们仍在学习. I think we're going right back to the whole capturing of the live experience plus doing what we do now. I think they're all options to have for the artists to connect with 他们的粉丝 and to really monetize it. If you're not able to adapt in this industry right now in a split-second, 你真的要被落下了.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Bulldog DM's John Petrocelli Talks Post-Pandemic Streaming at Scale

流媒体's Tim Siglin and Bulldog DM's John Petrocelli discuss how tentpole live streaming events have changed over the last three years for the streaming pros who deliver them, 与他们互动的观众, and the brands that invest in them in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.


7 Cinematics' Adam Paul discusses how to take a craft approach to large-scale live music streaming, 强调创造力, 订婚, 以及歌迷体验音乐的方式, and minimizes gear requirements in this clip from a streaming-at-scale panel at 流媒体 East 2021.


Bulldog DM CEO John Petrocelli discusses the evolution of live music streams since the start of the pandemic, and lessons he believes the music industry has learned from a year essentially without in-person events about creating compelling, 互动, 为艺术家提供协作直播体验, 他们的粉丝, 投资品牌.