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How to Choose a 在线直播 Schema


Viewers are watching more and more streaming video on 移动设备, which imposes two realities on all streaming producers. 第一个, you have to deliver adaptive bitrate (ABR) video, so you can delight those watching over high-bandwidth connections, while providing an adequate experience to those viewing over cellular. 第二个, 尽管有可能将一种格式的ABR打包到计算机和移动设备上, 大多数发布者使用两种甚至更多:HTTP动态流(HDS)或MPEG-DASH到桌面, and HTTP 在线直播 (HLS) to mobile. 我将在“编码和传送到多种ABR格式”中讨论如何应对VOD内容的挑战(见第168页)。. 在本文中, I look at the implications for live streaming.

现场事件生产者有两种基本方法来生产和交付多个ABR包:您可以购买昂贵的编码器/转码器,并提供足够的出站带宽来现场编码,并将所有流交付到云进行分发. 或者您可以将单个流发送到云,以便将其转换为自适应组中的多个文件, which are then 包d (or "transmuxed") into the necessary ABR 包s. If you’re streaming 24/7, owning your own gear often makes economic sense. For most other producers, cloud transcoding is likely the way to go.

在本文中, 我将探讨两类现场活动生产者可用的云转码/打包选项. The first class simply wants to hand off all live streaming tasks, from transcoding to player creation to video delivery, to a third-party service provider. The second has an existing live streaming workflow, 或者想要建造一个, 并且只是想获得云转码和打包以插入到该工作流中. For members of each group, I identify the class of service providers they should consider, and identify some options and differentiating features.

开始之前, 让我们简要地确定必须执行的实时事件生产工作流中的步骤, 要么是你, or by a service provider on your behalf. This will help differentiate the alternatives discussed below.

现场生产. 这是音频/视频创建步骤,包括获得必要的A/V设备和操作人员来运行它.

现场编码. 从摄像机或视频混频器中获取信号并对其进行编码以传送到云端. 信号传输. Delivering the encoded signal to the cloud for transcoding and packaging. 码/包装. 将传入的流转换为不同的质量级别,并将它们打包,以便在不同的目标平台上播放.

源服务器. Providing a server for viewer access of the streams.

交付. 通常通过内容交付网络(CDN)将流传递给观众。.

Player development and maintenance. 创建用于查看直播流并与制作人互动的播放器, 其他观众, 还有社交媒体. This element is both critical and complicated, 因为它涉及到实现和维护与所有目标pc的兼容性, 移动设备, 以及其他平台.


在线直播 Service Providers

简介: 你的组织正在使用视频作为一种工具,而不是一种产品或服务. 您想要流式传输一个或多个实时事件,并且正在寻找一个服务提供商来输入您的单个实时流, 然后自动译码系统, 包, and deliver the video to your target viewers.

最佳搭配: 你的最佳匹配对象将是那些大致被称为流媒体直播服务提供商(LSSP)的公司之一。. This diverse group includes Ustream, 转播画面, DaCast, 和YouTube Live, 让非技术用户可以轻松地向大众传播信息的公司. 一些传统的在线视频平台(ovp)也提供直播服务, and Wowza recently launched the Wowza流媒体云, 一种灵活的服务,将与广泛的潜在用户基础相关.

All services input your live streams, transcode and 包 them, and then deliver them to your viewers. Most create a page on the service where viewers can watch the stream, 同时也允许你在自己或第三方网站上嵌入播放器. Basically, you supply the input stream and they do the rest.

郑重声明, I should note that 转播画面 doesn’t perform live transcoding, 因此,你必须对所有流进行编码,并将其传送到你想要分发给观众的服务中. 我在文章中提到转播画面是因为它有一些有趣的功能,并且是该领域最知名的公司之一.



How to choose a service: 以下是帮助您确定组织最佳解决方案的关键问题.

What are my support options and what do they cost? 免费就是好, 直到你正在制作的现场演出出了问题没电话可打. 这个简单的现实让许多制作人无法使用YouTube Live. 与其他服务一起, check the support level available for each pricing tier, 并优先考虑在你播报期间提供电话支持的服务.

这要花多少钱啊? 这两类用户都必须刻苦学习他们的电子表格技能,以区分不同的服务提供商. 在这个课堂上, factors that affect pricing include broadcast hours, GBs of video transferred, 观看时间. 显著, 转播画面是为数不多的为某些计划提供无限定价的服务提供商之一. If you’re concerned that an event going viral could break the bank, this makes 转播画面 a very attractive option.

Can I use my own branding? 有些系统不允许您禁用其品牌,这对于完全免费的服务来说是有道理的. 其他系统提供了一个“白标签”玩家,你可以在一定的承诺水平上给他们打上自己的标签.

How is the user experience? 播放器是否提供DVR功能,以便用户可以暂停流来休息一下? Does the player enable chat, comments, and access to social media? How does the feature set change, 如果有的话, 如果视频是在嵌入式播放器上观看的,而不是在服务网站上的播放器上观看的? 除了品牌, 你可以在多大程度上定制玩家,将其外观与你自己的网站相结合?

What are my monetization options? If you plan to monetize your video, be sure to check the available options. 例如, DaCast is one of the few service providers that offers pay-per-view capabilities. Others offer advertising insertion support. If monetization is critical to your live event, get that on the table early.



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